News & Reports
November 30, 2019|Reports
“Admiral Thomas Cochrane” – Mike Hollis
Complete with pigtail, naval uniform and sword, fifty five Wickham history society members and visitors heard from local historian ‘Master and Commander‘ Mike Hollis on the astonishing life and exploits of Admiral Thomas Cochrane. Cochrane lived in Titchfield for part of his naval career but was rarely there, serving in the navies of Britain, Chile,…
Find Out More »November 1, 2019|News
Beverley Babes turn 80!
On 12 October 2019, over 30 Beverley Babes and their families joined together at St Nicholas Church for a service and exhibition to commemorate the 80 year anniversary of the Beverley Babes. It was a day filled with reminiscences, questions and coincidences, culminating in a beautiful and, at times, emotional service led by Reverend Jane…
Find Out More »October 31, 2019|Reports
“Body Overboard – The Murder of an English Actress” – Paul Stickler
Retired chief superintendent Paul Stickler spoke to forty eight members and visitors about the sensational ‘Porthole Murder’. Actress Eileen ‘Gay’ Gibson was pushed out of the porthole of the Durban Castle in the early morning of the 18th October 1947 by Deck Steward James Camb. The defence and prosecution both agreed on that, but little…
Find Out More »October 6, 2019|News
Beverley Babes – Exhibition on Saturday 12th October 2019
Who are the ‘Beverley Babes’? What is their connection to Wickham? As Britain prepared for the possibility of going to war with Germany, the Southsea based Royal Naval and Royal Marine Maternity Home, known as Bowland, made plans to evacuate their premises, with patients and staff to be taken to Beverley House, Wickham. On the…
Find Out More »September 30, 2019|Reports
“Archaeological Excavations in Wickham”
Over seventy Wickham History Society members and visitors came to hear Jeremy Clutterbuck of Cotswold Archaeology report back on the archaeological excavations on the “South Glebe” – the area behind School Road, where the new roundabout has been built. Wickham’s Roman Road Jeremy confirmed that the line of the roman road had been identified, with…
Find Out More »August 31, 2019|Reports
Summer Visit – Lee-on the-Solent Heritage Waterfront Walk and Talk
In August, twenty of us enjoyed breezy weather and a sunny Solent for our stroll along the Lee-on-the-Solent waterfront with our guide Jonathan from the Lee-on-the-Solent Residents’ Association (LRA). He pointed out that strictly you should always use the “the” in the name of the town, something few of us do! Lee was largely a…
Find Out More »August 23, 2019|News
Wickham Walks 2019
SUMMER HISTORY WALKS Our two summer Village History Walks were both very well attended by village folk – we were joined by people who once lived in Wickham, returning to re-discover our village. We had another successful series of Music Festival history walks this year – 50 in total, 23 on Friday and 27 on…
Find Out More »July 31, 2019|Reports
Summer Visit to Eling Tide Mill
The first of our two summer visits was to the Eling Tide Mill, one of only two working tide mills remaining in England today which we are lucky to have close by on the Solent. In early July, WHS and WS members joined the tour around the current mill (dating back to 1785) explaining how…
Find Out More »May 31, 2019|Reports
“Tales my father told me: One man’s early life in Wickham” – David Houghton
You had to be pretty tough to go to Wickham School in the early 1900s. At playtime and lunchtime, rain or shine, the school was locked and the children had to play outside. Heating in the classrooms was not great either! David Houghton shared his father Jack’s reminiscences on his childhood in Wickham with 47…
Find Out More »May 29, 2019|Reports
Wickham History Society: Annual Report 2018-2019
Chair’s Introduction: It’s been a busy year for the Society. We hope you have had a look at the village history boards and our new look website and have enjoyed this year’s talks. Have you got your copy of the second edition of the Guide to Historic Wickham, published in 2018? Copies on sale at…
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