Category: News

May 31, 2024|News | Reports

Wickham History Society: Annual Report 2023 – 2024

Chair’s Introduction Firstly, I should like to express our sorrow at the death of Margaret Edgworth. Margaret had joined the Committee relatively recently but had already become very involved in our oral history work. We all miss her enthusiasm and dedication. It is very encouraging that our membership continues to grow – reflecting the care…

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May 27, 2023|News | Reports

Wickham History Society: Annual Report 2022 – 2023

Chair’s Introduction Now we are in our sixties – that is Wickham History Society I mean – we are just starting to get going! Our two-day exhibition on 1st and 2nd of October at Wickham Community Centre was packed on both days and our visitors clearly enjoyed the different exhibitions on all aspects of Wickham’s…

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October 31, 2022|News

Wickham Village Life Exhibition – A buzz of activity

508 visitors thronged the WHS Wickham Village Life Exhibition held over the first weekend of October – that worked out at one visitor a minute, with queues to get in at busy times. It has been 59 years since Wickham History Society last held an exhibition, back in 1963. This (much delayed) exhibition marked the…

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May 7, 2020|News

Planning Your Own Wickham History Walk

Government advice is to take your exercise locally – so why not plan your own ‘Wickham History’ trail? There are 12 history boards at 10 locations in the village – have you seen them all, or any of them? There are boards in the Square, on the Parish Noticeboard and by Havelock/Wentworth house; on Lilly’s…

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January 31, 2020|News

Barrie Marson

Barrie, who passed away in early January, was well known to many as Secretary of the Society for many years. Fewer people knew of his major contributions to the Society and Wickham through his work cataloguing and promoting the Stan Woodford photo collection, organising and paying for the publication of an indexed version of Bruce…

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November 1, 2019|News

Beverley Babes turn 80!

On 12 October 2019, over 30 Beverley Babes and their families joined together at St Nicholas Church for a service and exhibition to commemorate the 80 year anniversary of the Beverley Babes. It was a day filled with reminiscences, questions and coincidences, culminating in a beautiful and, at times, emotional service led by Reverend Jane…

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October 6, 2019|News

Beverley Babes – Exhibition on Saturday 12th October 2019

Who are the ‘Beverley Babes’? What is their connection to Wickham? As Britain prepared for the possibility of going to war with Germany, the Southsea based Royal Naval and Royal Marine Maternity Home, known as Bowland, made plans to evacuate their premises, with patients and staff to be taken to Beverley House, Wickham. On the…

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August 23, 2019|News

Wickham Walks 2019

SUMMER HISTORY WALKS Our two summer Village History Walks were both very well attended by village folk – we were joined by people who once lived in Wickham, returning to re-discover our village. We had another successful series of Music Festival history walks this year – 50 in total, 23 on Friday and 27 on…

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January 26, 2019|News

Wickham History Boards are Installed!

In January 2019 twelve information boards highlighting different aspects of Wickham’s history – using text, photos and illustrations – were installed at key locations around the village. A brief ceremony to unveil the history boards took place on the Village Green, Bridge Street, opposite St Nicholas Church at noon on Saturday 26th January. Nearly 70…

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September 30, 2018|News

WHS at Taste of Wickham 2018

Wickham History Society was at “Taste of Wickham” on Sunday 9th September, celebrating Wickham’s Pubs and Brewing. We had a great day with lots of visitors and stories. Wickham had many pubs, now only three remain: Greens (formerly The Star), the King’s Head and the Square Cow (formerly the Wickham Wine Bar). Our ‘lost pubs’…

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