Category: First World War

December 26, 2019|First World War | Knowle | Military connections

A Casualty of the Great War – E. E. Pharoah

ERNEST EDWARD PHAROAH Gunner Ernest Edward Pharoah was one of the fourteen children of George, a local farmer, and his wife Mary. Ernest worked as a cowman on his father’s farm at Whiteley Pastures before becoming an attendant at Knowle Hospital. Enlisting at Brockhurst, Gosport in November 1915, Ernest became a gunner in the Royal…

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January 23, 2019|First World War | Local People | Naval connections | Wartime Wickham

The Battle of Coronel – The Wickham Connection

The Battle of Coronel took place on 1st November 1914 off the coast of Central Chile. Britain knew from radio messages that Germany’s East Asiatic squadron, under Admiral Graf Maximilian von Spee, was trying to elude the British and Japanese ships as it sailed eastwards from the Caroline Islands across the Pacific. A British Squadron…

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November 4, 2018|First World War | Local People | Naval connections | Wartime Wickham

The Battle of Jutland – The Wickham Connection

The Battle of Jutland, fought between 31 May and 1 June 1916, was the largest naval engagement of the Great War, involving 151 vessels of the Royal Navy Grand Fleet and 99 vessels of the German Navy’s High Seas Fleet. The battle started when Admiral Beatty succeeded in luring the German Grand Fleet into the range of the Royal Navy’s…

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June 12, 2016|First World War | Local People | Military connections | Wartime Wickham

Gallipoli – The Wickham Connection

The eight-month campaign which took place between 25 April 1915 – 9 January 1916 on the Gallipoli peninsula in the Ottoman Empire. It was one of the Allies’ great disasters of the Great War. As the war began, fighting was primarily on two fronts – the Western and Eastern Fronts. In November 1914, Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty,…

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