Author: Jane Painter
December 31, 2023|Reports
“Stories From The Tower Of London” – Anthony Strafford
Our traditional Christmas joint meeting with the Wickham Society on 12th December was great fun with Anthony Strafford in full Beefeater regalia. Anthony served and lived in the Tower of London and gave us some splendid stories of famous women who had had the misfortune, deserved or underserved, to end up there. He also had…
Find Out More »November 30, 2023|Reports
“The Story Of Sutton Hoo” – Lyndon Plamer
We had an unexpected change of programme at the last minute on 28th November, as our speaker was ill – a disappointment, but we do hope to have her back next year if possible. We were very grateful indeed to Lyndon Palmer, who stepped in at a day’s notice to talk on Sutton Hoo to…
Find Out More »October 31, 2023|Reports
“Harlots, Dung and Glory: History of Portsmouth Part 4” – Andrew Negus
Sixty-six members and guests of the Wickham History Society heard the concluding talk on Portsmouth’s history by Andrew Negus. Once again, it was an engaging and detailed talk done without notes: Andrew is a very accomplished speaker, and he knows his subject having been brought up in Paulsgrove. The title for this talk is misleading:…
Find Out More »September 30, 2023|Reports
“The Manor of Wickham” – Geoff Phillpotts
Ninety-three members and visitors – a record! – attended the first meeting of the Wickham History Society’s Autumn Programme. The subject was a local one: The Early History of the Manor of Wickham and Geoff Phillpotts, Chair of the Society, took members through the manor’s first 600 years from the eleventh century to the seventeenth…
Find Out More »May 31, 2023|Reports
“The Archaeology of the Meon Valley: Stone Age to Post Medieval” – Kay Ainsworth
Wickham History celebrated it’s AGM on Tuesday 23rd May with a talk by Kay Ainsworth on local archaeology. Sixty eight members and visitors heard Kay talk us through early ‘hunter gatherer’ remains at Meon Shore and elsewhere to the grander post medieval buildings in the Meon Valley and elsewhere. Kay worked for over twenty five…
Find Out More »May 27, 2023|News | Reports
Wickham History Society: Annual Report 2022 – 2023
Chair’s Introduction Now we are in our sixties – that is Wickham History Society I mean – we are just starting to get going! Our two-day exhibition on 1st and 2nd of October at Wickham Community Centre was packed on both days and our visitors clearly enjoyed the different exhibitions on all aspects of Wickham’s…
Find Out More »April 30, 2023|Reports
“Violet’s Titanic Escape” – Jane Glennie
Jane Glennie gave a mesmerising performance as Titanic stewardess Violet Jessop, gripping sixty eight members and visitors at Wickham History Society’s April talk. Jane began Violet’s story in 1939 at the eve of the Second World War. She took us back to 1908 when Violet became a stewardess for the Royal Mail line. Violet’s first…
Find Out More »March 31, 2023|Reports
“The Civil War in Hampshire” – Alan Turton
Alan Turton is a military historian who specialises in the English Civil War and was curator at the civil war site of Basing House for twenty four years. On Tuesday 25th March seventy one members and guests of Wickham History Society gathered at Wickham Community Centre to hear about Hampshire’s role in the Civil War….
Find Out More »February 28, 2023|Reports
“The History of Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley” – Ursula Pearce
On Tuesday 28th February Ursula Pearce, the Heritage and Education officer at the Royal Victoria Chapel, gave us the story behind the original hospital that is now Royal Victoria Country Park. A magnificent Victorian hospital dominated the park fronting onto the Solent, with it’s own pier and railway line. 48 members and guests of Wickham…
Find Out More »January 31, 2023|Reports
“Behind the Scenes of ‘Who Do You Think You Are’” – Nick Barrett
There was a real treat for members who Zoomed into the January meeting when Dr Nick Barratt joined about fifty members of the History Society to tell us the story behind the celebrity family history series Who Do You Think You Are? Nick, who is President of Hampshire Genealogical Society, has an amazing number of…
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