October 31, 2020|Reports
Wickham History Society: Annual Report 2019-2020 – Updated October 2020
Chair’s Introduction 2020 will certainly be remembered, and not just as our 60th Anniversary! The Covid-19 virus has had a huge impact on our activities. We circulated the 2019-2020 Annual Report in May but this year our AGM had to be delayed. For the first time in our history, we will hold a ‘virtual’ AGM…
Find Out More »October 31, 2020|Reports
“Growing up in Hundred Acres in the 1940s and 50s” – Helen Talbot
Over fifty members and visitors joined our Zoom meeting to hear Helen Talbot talk about her early life in Wickham on Tuesday October 27th. Helen now lives in Edinburgh so it was some consolation for not being able to meet face to face that we can hear from speakers from so much further away. Hundred…
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