Contributing Articles

Wickham History Society is continually seeking information about people, buildings and events with a connection to Wickham Village and Wickham Parish, and welcomes suggested contributions to our website.

The Society is always pleased to receive interesting articles for publication, particularly those that have accompanying photographs or illustrations to bring them to life. Please be aware that articles may be edited where this is necessary.

Please get in touch with the Website Editor using the contact page to discuss submitting an article.

Submitted documents should be in Microsoft Word format and images in .jpg format.

Scanned photographs are quite acceptable by email attachment but photocopies or copies printed onto plain paper do not reproduce well if they have to be scanned again.

All submissions should include a FULL postal address together with a telephone contact number plus email address if applicable. Your telephone number is useful in cases where the editor needs to contact you on an article related matter – it will not be published.

All material published by the Wickham History Society is copyright of the Society. WHS reserves the right to reproduce submissions in publicity materials and on the Society website.

Do you have something to contribute to the society?